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  • Україна та ЄС уклали Рамкову угоду для фінансування в рамках Ukraine Facility
    Ukraine and the EU signed a Framework Agreement for financing under the Ukraine Facility On Wednesday, May 22, Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy of Ukraine, and Olivér Várhelyi, EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, signed a Framework Agreement on EU financing under the Ukraine Facility. The agreement defines the mechanisms of financial cooperation between the EU and Ukraine, in particular on the management and control of the use of funds under the Ukraine Facility, as well as joint measures to prevent corruption. The next step is the ratification of the document by the Verkhovna Rada, after which the agreement will enter into force.
  • In April, GDP grew by 4.3%: Despite war, key sectors of economy show growth The Ukrainian economy is recovering despite the war and massive rocket attacks by the russian federation. According to preliminary estimates by the Ministry of Economy, GDP growth in April 2024 compared to April last year was about 4.3% [±1%]. As a result, in January-April 2024, growth is estimated at 4.4% [±1%] compared to the same period last year.
  • Перший віцепрем’єр-міністр України — Міністр економіки Юлія Свириденко та заступник Міністра економіки Ігор Безкаравайний під час зустрічі з амбасадором UNITED24 Мішею Коллінзом та режисером Даріусом Мардером обговорили питання посилення спроможностей операторів протимінної діяльності.
    We want Ukrainian land to be demined with Ukrainian equipment, - Yulia Svyrydenko during a meeting with UNITED24 Ambassador Misha Collins Ukraine wants operators to demine Ukrainian land with domestically produced equipment. This was stated by the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko during a meeting with UNITED24 Ambassador, renowned actor Misha Collins and director Darius Marder with the participation of Deputy Minister of Economy Ihor Bezkaravaynyi and Acting Head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine Andriy Danik.
  • SE “Professional Procurement” will conduct procurement for the World Bank’s funds as part of a pilot project, - Nadiya Bihun Procurement by public customers funded by foreign donors is increasingly moving to the ProZorro electronic system, which increases their efficiency and competitiveness. Currently, the procurement for the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine funded by the World Bank will be conducted in ProZorro by specialists of the State Enterprise “Professional Procurement”. This was announced by Nadiya Bihun, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.
  • 9,000 Ukrainians have received an education voucher at the expense of the state since the beginning of the year, - Yulia Svyrydenko Since the beginning of 2024, 9,000 Ukrainians have already received an education voucher at public expense and will be able to acquire a new profession or specialty or improve their professional level to be more competitive in the labour market. The state has financed their education for almost UAH 70 million. This was announced by Yulia Svyrydenko, the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy.

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