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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Питання співпраці обговорені під зустрічі Першого віцепрем’єр-міністра України - Міністра економіки України Юлії Свириденко із  генеральним директором British International Investment Ніком О’Донохью
Financing for the private sector from British International Investment will be available from April: Yuliia Svyrydenko
03.03.2024 | 11:34 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations

The credit limit for Ukrainian companies from British International Investment (BII - ed.) will become available in April. This was the subject of a meeting between Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine, and Nick O'Donohoe, Chief Executive of British International Investment.

BII has announced a total limit of up to GBP 250 million for private sector financing in Ukraine. These funds will be made available through the Co-Investment Platform by engaging partner financial institutions in Ukraine.

“I am grateful to British International Investment for joining the list of institutions that are ready to support the private sector of Ukraine. The extension of the limit to GBP 250 million is the support that Ukraine desperately needs to maintain economic stability and post-war reconstruction. Previously, BII was not on the map of international financial institutions with which Ukraine works. I am glad that we are discovering new partners, and new partners are discovering Ukraine,” Yuliia Svyrydenko said.

The parties also agreed to deepen cooperation to determine the most effective way to cooperate with other international financial institutions in making joint investments in Ukraine, strengthening cooperation within the framework of the EBRD-led Co-Investment Platform. They also discussed progress in implementing reforms and supporting small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine, attracting investment and expanding access to finance for private businesses.