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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

A Draft Methodology for Assessing Losses for Destroyed Enterprises’ Property Has Been Developed
08.08.2022 | 12:49

The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, together with the State Property Fund of Ukraine, completed the development of a methodology for determining losses caused to enterprises as a result of russian aggression.

The document is intended for the calculation by economic entities of the following categories of losses:

  • the amount of real losses caused to their property. It includes immovable and movable property, construction in progress, vehicles, stocks, etc., destroyed or damaged as a result of hostilities;
  • lost profits, which the company lost due to the impossibility of continuing operations;
  • the amount of expenses necessary for the restoration of property and property rights that have suffered a devastating impact as a result of armed aggression. 

The assessment will be conducted by independent experts on the basis of initial data (enterprise’s documents which contain the characteristics of the property), the results of inspection of the affected facility (or photo, video materials, satellite images) as well as on the basis of data on the market value of similar property.

Entrepreneurs will need to prepare a package of documents to confirm the destruction of facilities as a result of military aggression.

Losses determined according to the methodology can be used to initiate criminal proceedings against the aggressor, to submit applications for compensation by affected economic entities as well as for lawsuits to international courts. 

Currently, the draft methodology is made public for discussion on the website of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. You can read the text here.

If you have clarifications or comments on the document, submit your proposals via electronic requests on our website.