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  • Program for switching to energy-efficient lamps launches nationwide The Government and EU program to exchange incandescent lamps for LED lamps is now extending to cities and towns all over the country. Only in Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk oblasts, the service will be launched a day later – on 9 February. Anyone can order the exchange of lamps, which is carried out under a joint program of the Government of Ukraine and the European Union, in the Diia app.
  • Political risk insurance is a priority tool for attracting investments – Oleksandr Hryban The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) held a capacity building seminar specifically for the team of the Advantage Ukraine investment platform which is involved by the Ministry of Economy in the process of preliminary assessment of projects and the preparation of applications for war risk insurance. The platform has already received more than 500 requests from potential investors and project initiators, including regarding risk guarantees.
  • Відкритість торгівлі та інтеграція до внутрішнього ринку ЄС – це ключ до збереження української економіки в умовах війни та швидкого економічного відновлення, - Юлія Свириденко
    Trade openness and integration into EU single market are key to preserving Ukrainian economy in times of war and rapid economic recovery – Yuliia Svyrydenko In times of war, the EU has become Ukraine’s principal trading partner, accounting for more than 55% of mutual turnover. Now it is important for us to maintain the pace of trade development and extend autonomous trade measures in the form of complete lifting of duties as well as to extend agreements on road transport permits. This was emphasized by First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko at the EU-Ukraine Summit.
  • Guarantees introduced by the German government to help attract investments to Ukraine – Oleksandr Hryban The implementation of the Investment Guarantee Program for German companies in Ukraine will contribute to the attraction of investments in our country and the implementation of recovery projects. Deputy Minister of Economy Oleksandr Hryban expressed his conviction in this during a meeting of business representatives where the details of the Program were discussed.
  • Наше головне завдання - інтегрувати Україну у внутрішній ринок Євросоюзу, не чекаючи вступу до ЄС – Юлія Свириденко
    Our primary task is to integrate Ukraine into the EU single market without awaiting accession to the EU – Yuliia Svyrydenko While preparations for the accession negotiations are underway and the negotiations will be conducted, Ukraine and the EU should use the progress in the adaptation of legislation to adopt joint decisions that improve market access and ensure economic convergence between Ukraine and the EU. First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko said about it during a joint meeting of the Government of Ukraine and the European Commission.

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