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  • Україна має бути інтегрована в промислове виробництво Європейського Союзу, - Юлія Свириденко у Брюсселі
    Ukraine should be integrated into the industrial production of the European Union – Yuliia Svyrydenko in Brussels Ukraine’s involvement in the industrial policy of the European Union is one of the best ways to ensure EU’s strategic autonomy and increase the efficiency of the European economy as a whole. First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko emphasized it at the meeting with EU Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton, which took place on 24 February in Brussels.
    We need to change the narrative about Rosatom and russian nuclear industry – Yuliia Svyrydenko at the COREPER meeting The Ukrainian delegation headed by First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko participated in the meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union (COREPER II) in Brussels. The meeting discussed, among other things, the issues of sanctions pressure on russia, strengthening economic cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, reconstruction of our country, etc.
  • Property of russian oligarch Deripaska seized in favour of the state The assets of the russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who is close to Vladimir Putin, in Ukraine will be seized in favour of our state. On 16 February, the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) of Ukraine upheld the claim of the Ministry of Justice to apply a corresponding sanction against Deripaska and MK United Company RUSAL PJSC.
  • Розмінування
    We must demine territories as quickly as possible and in accordance with current Ukrainian and international standards – Yuliia Svyrydenko The Interagency Working Group on Humanitarian Demining chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko has started its work.
  • Government simplifies imports of military goods – Yuliia Svyrydenko The Government has adopted a resolution that will speed up and simplify the importation of military goods to Ukraine as much as possible. In particular, it concerns UAVs and their components. This document was developed jointly by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, and the relevant amendments were approved at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 14 February 2023.

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