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  • Investment risk insurance for international and domestic investors will contribute to Ukraine’s economic recovery, Volodymyr Kuzio Thanks to our international partners and local businesses, the Ukrainian economy has remained resilient and started to recover this year, despite the full-scale war. The rebuilding of Ukraine is a global project that requires huge resources, but at the same time offers many opportunities, especially for the private sector. It is private investors who will directly or indirectly contribute to Ukraine’s economic recovery.
  • Американський бізнес зацікавлений інвестувати у проєкти відбудови України
    American business is interested to invest in Ukraine's reconstruction projects Private capital and investments by foreign and domestic businesses will be the basis for Ukraine's recovery. This was discussed during a meeting of the leadership of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine with representatives of the International Sustainable Operations Association (ISOA) and leading American companies.
  • Бізнес Японії пропонує сучасні технології для прискорення відновлення України
    Japanese business offers modern technologies to accelerate Ukraine's recovery Japanese businesses are ready to contribute to Ukraine's reconstruction and offer a range of modern technologies that will boost recovery. This was discussed during a meeting between the First vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of the Economy Yuliia Svyrydenko and representatives of the Japanese business delegation. In particular, the meeting was attended by representatives of companies operating in the fields of healthcare, e-commerce, communication and financial technologies, production of transport and industrial goods, such as Rakuten, Allm and others.
  • Poland will insure Polish investors and investors from other countries interested in rebuilding Ukraine The President of Poland Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the law on export insurance guaranteed by the State Treasury. This decision, among other things, allows the Polish state-owned KUKE Insurance Corporation to provide more effective assistance to private businesses interested in rebuilding Ukraine.
  • Люксембург долучиться до підтримки малого й середнього бізнесу в Україні
    Luxembourg to support small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine Luxembourg is ready to join programs to support small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine and develop “green metallurgy”. This was discussed during a meeting between the First vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of the Economy Yuliia Svyrydenko and Franz Fayot, Minister of the Economy and Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs in Luxembourg.

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