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Department for access to markets and cooperation with WTO

Deputy Director of the Department


(044) 596-67-40

Deputy Director of the Department – Head of the Directorate


 (044) 596-68-37

General contacts of the Department

For information

 (044) 596-68-27

 Main tasks of the department include:

monitoring of WTO activities, determining the priorities and ways of development of Ukraine’s cooperation within the framework of the WTO and WTO members, solving the problems of Ukraine’s cooperation within the framework of the WTO, analyzing their impact on trade policy of Ukraine, as well as submission of generalized proposals as to the institutional format of Ukraine’s participation in the WTO to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

coordination of the interaction between central executive authorities regarding fulfillment of Ukraine’s commitments assumed within the framework of its accession to the WTO, bringing Ukraine’s legislation in line with the WTO agreements, conducting an expert examination of draft regulatory and legal acts for their compliance with the WTO agreements and Ukraine’s commitment as a WTO member, monitoring of the implementation of the WTO agreements by Ukraine and other WTO members and ensuring the protection of Ukraine’s rights and interests in the trade and economic area using the WTO mechanism;

coordination of the interaction between central executive authorities regarding participation in the WTO multilateral trade negotiations, bilateral and multilateral negotiations within the framework of working groups for examination of applications filed by the WTO accession states, participation in the work of the bodies of this international organization (profile committees, councils, etc.);

ensuring the fulfillment of the WTO requirements as to transparency, coordination of the interaction between central executive authorities in processing of the requests for information from the WTO and WTO members, as well as cooperation with relevant WTO bodies;

coordination of the interaction between central executive authorities and preparation of the proposals for cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the European Free Trade Association;

coordination and conducting of negotiations between Ukraine and other states on the conclusion of free trade agreements, as well as preparation of draft agreements on free trade and economic rationale for such agreements (except for the EU and CIS);

taking measures on the implementation of concluded free trade agreements (except for the EU and CIS);

ensuring the implementation of a single tariff policy by amending the Customs Tariff of Ukraine, processing of the proposals for the improvement of the regulatory and legal framework for tariff regulation of international trade;

ensuring the formation of the most favored-nation regime for goods and services in the foreign markets of Ukraine, improvement of the conditions of access of domestic producers to relevant markets and their expansion through the use of WTO mechanisms and negotiations on the conclusion of free trade agreements.

Ministry of Economy of Ukraine 01008, Ukraine, Kiyv city,
Grushevsky str., 12/2