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  • Україна та Данія уклали Меморандум про взаєморозуміння щодо довгострокової співпраці та відбудови нашої країни
    Ukraine and Denmark sign the Memorandum of Understanding on long-term cooperation and reconstruction of our country Ukraine and Denmark have signed the Memorandum of Understanding on long-term cooperation and reconstruction of Ukraine. This document provides for the Danish government to allocate about EUR 40 million to support the private sector involved in Ukraine’s reconstruction, as well as EUR 380 million to support critical infrastructure using renewable energy. The memorandum was signed by First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko on behalf of Ukraine and by Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs of Denmark Morten Bødskov on behalf of Denmark. The ceremony took place on 23 April 2024.
  • Про посилення економічного співробітництва та збільшення товарообігу між країнами йшлося під час відеозустрічі між Першим віцепрем’єр-міністром України – Міністром економіки України Юлією Свириденко та Віцепрезидентом, Міністром розвитку, промисловості, торгівлі та послуг Бразилії Жеральдо Родрігесом Алкімном Фільо.
    Ukraine and Brazil plan to cooperate to increase trade turnover between the countries: Yuliia Svyrydenko Ukraine and Brazil plan to intensify economic cooperation and increase trade between the two countries. This issue was discussed during a conference call between First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko and Vice-President, Minister of Development, Industry and Trade of Brazil Geraldo José Rodrigues de Alckmin Filho.
  • Ukraine Investment Framework Steering Board approves terms of operation of the investment component of the Ukraine Facility The first meeting of the Ukraine Investment Framework (UIF) Steering Board, at which the rules of procedure and Strategic Guidelines for the investment component of the EU’s Ukraine Facility programme were approved, has taken place. The signing of the first investment programmes under the UIF is scheduled for the Ukraine Recovery Conference to be held in Berlin on 11-12 June 2024.
  • Понад 3,2 млрд грн зможе отримати бізнес Дніпропетровщини у межах державної політики “Зроблено в Україні”, – Юлія Свириденко
    More than UAH 3.2 billion will be available to businesses in Dnipropetrovsk region under the Made in Ukraine state policy: Yuliia Svyrydenko In 2024, the Government has allocated over UAH 3.2 billion for business support programmes in Dnipropetrovsk region. This funding will help the region, which is located close to the front line, constantly suffers from enemy shelling and is one of the main centres of refuge for internally displaced persons, to preserve its industrial potential and develop small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Заступниця Міністра економіки України Надія Бігун узяла участь у Саміті Майбутнє України 2024 (Ukraine's Future Summit 2024) у Брюсселі.
    Foreign investors can diversify risks by investing in small and medium-sized businesses: Nadiia Bihun Despite the war, the financial system of Ukraine remains stable. At the same time, the expansion of available investment insurance instruments against military risks and the increase in the availability of loans and grants from international banks and international financial organizations will stimulate foreign investors to invest in new joint projects with Ukrainian businesses. This was said by Nadiia Bihun, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, during her speech at Ukraine’s Future Summit 2024, which took place in Brussels.

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