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Over the years, it will be more difficult to detect and defuse mines, so no need to delay demining – Yuliia Svyrydenko
15.05.2023 | 11:16 | Section for Public and Mass Media Relations.

Ukraine should speed up the survey and, if necessary, demining of the territories as much as possible. This was emphasized during the meeting of the Interagency Working Group on Humanitarian Demining by Yuliia Svyrydenko, Head of IWG, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

“Time is not on our side when it comes to clearing the Ukrainian land. International partners, who previously faced the need to demine their territories, warn: the fastest and most effective clearing occurs “hot on the trail”. In a few years, it will be more difficult for pyrotechnicians to work. Nature will increasingly hide dangers – mines and unexploded shells. Therefore, we need to speed up on all issues on which the speed and quality of work depend. Provision of equipment, training of additional units, financing and organization – everything requires quick decisions and implementation,” said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

At its meeting, the Interagency Working Group reviewed the progress in the implementation of the Plan for Agricultural Land Demining, including in Mykolaiv and Kherson oblasts. As it was mentioned, pyrotechnicians reached stable indicators: on average, they survey about 5.5 thousand hectares of agricultural land in a week.

During the meeting, in particular, the issue of clearing the village of Posad-Pokrovskyi in Kherson Oblast and other settlements that were selected to participate in the pilot project for complex reconstruction was discussed. The Interagency Working Group also reviewed issues related to the launch of the Humanitarian Mine Action Center budget-sustained institution and the state of implementation of information products designed to strengthen the coordination of actions of participants in the demining process and facilitate effective decision-making.

The issue of providing units of state institutions with special demining machinery and equipment was discussed separately. As noted at the meeting, Ukraine is currently actively working with manufacturers of the appropriate equipment for surveying and demining: negotiations are underway for the supply of demining machines. Furthermore, practical testing of the latest technologies for surveying contaminated areas using UAVs will soon begin, in which a number of Western manufacturers will participate.

The meeting also discussed the preparation of a national mine action program in Ukraine.

As a reminder, by the end of the year, Ukraine aims to fulfill up to 35% of the plan for priority demining of agricultural lands and put up to 165,000 hectares of land into operation. In total, the four-year Plan for Agricultural Land Demining provides for the priority commissioning of about 470,000 hectares of agricultural lands. 

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